Knitsperiences, to enjoy your favourite hobby, to learn and laugh, chat and craft!

coming in 2024 – KNIT & CLICK–A–LONG +++

coming in 2024 – KNIT & CLICK–A–LONG +++

A little glimpse into the future
In 2024 Knitterista will launch a new format for the Knit-A-Long! Get ready for the Knit & Click–A–Long, where you will not only elevate your knitting skills but also amp up your photography!
Sign up for the Friday Letters to stay up to date!

Together we are less alone.

I believe one of the best things about knitting is our (online) community. Knitting together is an extraordinary thing with deep roots and traditions. As a modern maker, I love bringing knitters from all over the world together to enjoy our favourite hobby, to learn and laugh, chat and craft!

A little fun fact: I used to work as a Senior Art Director and created brand experiences for global players like Adidas, Cadillac, and Volkswagen. Somehow it is the same but different!

The best way to never miss out on anything and be the first to know is to become Pen Pals. Sign up for my Friday Letters!

Former Knitsperiences

  • I love cheap thrills KAL

    This was the first KAL I hosted for all of you who lost your knitting mojo during the pandemic. I developed the Cheap Thrills Shawl as a simple and beautiful pattern to get you started.

    Over 500 knitters signed up for it and enjoyed the parallel program on social media, where I interviewed other knitwear designers, hosted a giveaway tombola, and so much more…

  • Tria Lab

    The Tria Lab was a 4-week course. Inside we explored triangular shawl shapes and how to create a shawl that won’t slip off your shoulders. It was a deep dive into shapes but also accompanied by topics, like yarn and jewelry.

    Again, over 500 knitters joined! I created a pdf for the basic shapes and four patterns for you to help you achieve that goal. All of them are available on Ravelry:

    Sonntag Shawl
    AB 05 22 Shawlette
    This Scrappy Heart
    Cheap Thrills Shawl

  • Wild KAL

    I hosted the Wild KAL shortly before Xmas. This was all about the quick gift knit and to help you make something to impress your non-knitter family and friends.

    Initially, I created the Sexy Berlin Cowl for it. A super chunky design you can knit within a couple of hours. A little later, I added a scarf version for those who might not like to wear or gift a cowl.


“Thank you very much for all of your work on the Tria Lab.
I’ve never come across anything like it, and I love everything about it. Your aesthetic, your ethos, and your approach to accessibility. Teaching the “why” and the decision-making behind the design. I love love love it all. 
Sending you a whole-hearted thank you. 
Cheers (from Canada 🇨🇦), Sabrina”