Learn to take great pictures of your makes and share them joyfully!

Online Photography Class

Smartphone Photography For Modern Makers – Learn The Basics

  • Smartphone Photography

    I believe the best camera to learn photography is the one you already have and know. The built-in cameras in today’s smartphones are great and easy to handle.

    You won’t need to learn technical jargon and complicated connections. Instead, you can get started with the creative fun part!

    In my online class, we focus completely on Smartphone Photography. I shoot most of my photos on my iPhone and edit them directly in Adobe Lightroom Mobile. If I can do it, you can do it, too!

    Let me show you how and become a better photographer. Learn how to shoot and share your handmakes easily – just with your smartphone.

  • For Modern Makers

    Sharing is caring! You will benefit from this class if you want to share your makes joyfully online and crave deeper connections within the online maker community.

    If you are a tester or sample maker, this class will help you to communicate your process more clearly. And I can promise the designers will love you for taking great photos.

    Last but not least, if you want to sell your handmakes and patterns, your photos are essential to your business. They shape your brand's image, explain your products to your customers, and awaken their desire to buy from you. They will also help you build up your audience and take them along your journey.

  • Learn The Basics

    This class is made for beginners. You will learn everything you need to know about light, perspective, and composition.

    I will literally hold your hand, and we go through your home, find the best places to shoot, gather your items and props, set up your scene, and shoot and edit together.

    Afterward, it’s your turn! Take photos of your handmakes and share your favorite ones in the project gallery. I happily give you feedback and offer tips on what you could try next time.

    Let’s do it! Click the button below and get a full month of Premium Membership on Skillshare to watch my class for free!

My journey with photography.


I am not a naturally talented photographer. In fact, it took me a long time to finally build up the courage and ambition to learn this skill.

As long as you don’t want to earn money with photography, that is all you need to get started.

I blame my late start on too complicated technology. Shooting with a manual SLR on film and developing that film in a dark (stinky!) room by myself filled me completely with overwhelm.

Yet, that’s the way it was done…

Thank goodness some clever people developed the smartphone and built-in digital cameras, which create good enough pictures (and videos) for daily needs – like posting on social media.

The missing puzzle piece finally got me started on the path to successful photography!


If I can do it, you can do it, too!

Sign Up For My Photography Class

When I started with photography, I couldn’t find a class like this. I had to piece together all kinds of information and transfer it to my needs.

I want to spare you that bumpy process! That’s why I created Smartphone Photography For Modern Makers – Learn The Basics. In this class, I teach you everything you need to know to shoot and share your handmakes joyfully.

Let me invite you for a full month of Premium Membership on Skillshare to watch my class.

Hi! I am your teacher!

Hi! I am your teacher!

I am not a professional photographer but a highly educated Designer with a Master of Arts. I am also a modern maker, just like you.

I walked in your shoes, I felt your insecurities, and I know you need a friend showing you the stuff you can’t figure out on your own.

Photography is not that hard to learn. You can do it! Skip the complicated technique; you don’t need to share your makes on social. Start finding your way, and let me hold your hand. Let’s start together!

See ya in class!
xoxo Maren